I had [url="https://dermpathpro.com/blog/12/entry-109-follicular-psoriasis-is-this-a-true-entity/"]recently posted[/url] about a case in the JCP describing a relatively rare variant of Psoriasis, 'Follicular Psoriasis', and expressed my skepticism . I think that we as clinicians are too eager to lump diseases that we don't really know, into known entities, so that we feel elated about making a specific 'diagnosis' rather than admitting to not knowing!
[url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23803183"]This case 'Facial follicular cysts: a case of lichen planus follicularis tumidus?'[/url]published in the September edition of the JCP is another example. But the authors have put a question mark beside their 'diagnosis', which does convey their uncertainty to some extent. Neither the history nor the response to treatment (poor) suggest that the disease they describe has any semblance to Lichen Planus.
I find it unacceptable to label all lichenoid reactions showing some features of the prototype (Lichen planus', as variants of the prototype, just as it is unacceptable to label all conditions showing some psoriasiform features as variants of Psoriasis, a specific 'disease'.
[url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23803183"]This case 'Facial follicular cysts: a case of lichen planus follicularis tumidus?'[/url]published in the September edition of the JCP is another example. But the authors have put a question mark beside their 'diagnosis', which does convey their uncertainty to some extent. Neither the history nor the response to treatment (poor) suggest that the disease they describe has any semblance to Lichen Planus.
I find it unacceptable to label all lichenoid reactions showing some features of the prototype (Lichen planus', as variants of the prototype, just as it is unacceptable to label all conditions showing some psoriasiform features as variants of Psoriasis, a specific 'disease'.
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