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Case Number : Case 1708 - 14 December - Dr Hafeez Diwan Posted By: Guest

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Clinical History: 26 year-old female with nose lesion.

Case Posted by Dr Hafeez Diwan

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Even as a layman this looks interesting, have fun with Dr Hafeez Diwan's case.


Cheers, Geoff Cross - DermpathPRO Projects

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Neil Catterall


Agree desmoplastic trichoepithelioma but quite extensive and I would like a combined stain to make sure there is no perineural infiltration.

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Nitin Khirwadkar


Agree, desmoplastic TE. I believe one of the IHCs is CK20 highlighting reactive Merkel cells and the other is CD10 showing stromal condensation. I think, Richard had put one case on Dermpathpro giving a list of 20 points to distinguish between DTE and BCC. Somehow, I am not getting that case in the search.

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vincenzo polizzi


Yes! Desmoplastic Trichoepithelioma. Well circumscribed in deep dermis, papillary mesenchymal bodies, thin strands and cords, absence of stroma cleft and mutinous changes, keratocysts and keratin granulomas fit well. Is last fig a CD34? And CEA  in fig5?

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Agree with desmoplastic trichoepithelioma. I believe the immunostains are CK20 for Merkel cells and the second one CD34. Nice case.

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Raul Perret


1 hour ago, Nitin Khirwadkar said:

Agree, desmoplastic TE. I believe one of the IHCs is CK20 highlighting reactive Merkel cells and the other is CD10 showing stromal condensation. I think, Richard had put one case on Dermpathpro giving a list of 20 points to distinguish between DTE and BCC. Somehow, I am not getting that case in the search.

I agree with all of you desmoplastic TE. This is the case you mention Nitin, a very useful one with a nice discussion

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vincenzo polizzi


I better checked IHC pictures and agree with CK20 in left bottom. 

Thanks Raul, very useful the mentioned case!


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Robledo F. Rocha


Columnar trichoblastoma (aka desmoplastic trichoepithelioma).

Dr. Carr have said here on more than one occasion that this is one of the most difficult diagnoses in Dermatopathology, so everyone is doing a good job!

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Robledo F. Rocha


11 hours ago, Cattsy said:

Agree desmoplastic trichoepithelioma but quite extensive and I would like a combined stain to make sure there is no perineural infiltration.

Columnar trichoblastoma may feature perineural involvement. This peculiarity should be interpreted with caution and together with other findings to make the correct distinction from its malignant differential diagnoses.

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Arash Daryakar


agree with colleagues. IHC for CK20 ,CD10 and androgen receptor can help to confirm the diagnosis.

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Arti Bakshi



As Nitin and Raul mentioned, Richard's 20 points in case 813 are very useful and I have kept a printout of it to remind me in problematic cases!

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Dr. Hafeez Diwan


Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma.  Yes, the bottom left panel is CK20 and the bottom right is CD10.

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