I want to congratulate my friend (and pupil) Dr Nick Turnbull who has just found out he has passed the European/International dermpath exam. This is brilliant as I think New Zealand has not got too many board qualified dermatopathologists and Nick as a dermatologist certainly made an extra-ordinary effort to learn dermatopathology in the last few years.
I also want to congratulate anyone else and to those who failed encourage them to persist.
Thank you for the additional discussion of this case (I think it was 6th July which was a regressing KA). I could spend a very long time discussing KA v's SCC.Firstly a serious caveat - I am not sure the diagnosis is safe in the hands of experts let alone non-experts to be honest!That said we in Warwick are (currently) firmly in the camp that KA is a distinct Clinical-Pathological diagnosis.Provided a lesion is typical clinically and histologically we can make a confident diagnosis (in the know